Home > Service Wisdom Tooth Extraction


Worrying about wisdom teeth pain?

Does Wisdom Teeth Cause Pain?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. They can sometimes cause problems such as impaction, overcrowding, and pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a dentist to discuss whether wisdom teeth removal is right for you.

Wisdom tooth's position which is caused to make pain to other teeth.

No More Wisdom Teeth Pain!

Safe, Painless, and Experienced Care by Dr Aburas Dental Center Dubai

How wisdom tooth is oriented in mouth which leads to pain

Why might I need my wisdom teeth removed?

There are several reasons why your dentist might recommend wisdom teeth removal, including

Impaction: If your wisdom teeth are trapped beneath the gum tissue or bone (impacted), they can cause pain, infection, and damage to nearby teeth.

Crowding: Wisdom teeth can crowd other teeth, leading to misalignment and bite problems.

Damage to other teeth: Impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure on nearby teeth, causing them to crack or chip.

Gum disease: Impacted wisdom teeth can make it difficult to clean your teeth properly, increasing your risk of gum disease.

Cysts or tumours: In rare cases, wisdom teeth can be associated with the development of cysts or tumours.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure by Our Dental Specialists in Dubai

Tooth Extraction Procedure

Step 1: Consultation: Our dental experts will examine your teeth and gums, take X-rays, and discuss your concerns to determine the best approach for your wisdom teeth removal.

Step 2: Comfort: Choose from various anesthesia options, including local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, IV sedation, or general anesthesia, to ensure a relaxed and pain-free experience.

Step 3: Teeth Removal: Our skilled surgeons use precise techniques to access and carefully extract your wisdom teeth, minimizing discomfort and ensuring a smooth procedure.

Step 4: Infection prevention: We meticulously clean the surgical site to prevent infection and promote optimal healing.

Benefits After Wisdom Teeth Removal

  1. Prevents future complications: Removing impacted wisdom teeth can help prevent future pain, infection, and damage to other teeth
  2. Improves oral health: By eliminating the risk of impaction and its associated problems, wisdom teeth removal can contribute to better overall oral health.
  3. Improves bite and alignment: Removing wisdom teeth can create more space for other teeth, potentially improving bite and alignment.
Feeling relaxed after removal of the tooth


Dr.Mohammed E.Al Rousan at Aburas Dental Center Dubai
Dr.Mohammed E.Al Rousan
Specialist Orthodontist
Dr. Ahmad Al Elewy at Aburas Dental Center Dubai
Dr. Ahmad Al Elewy
GP Dentist
Dr. Ekaterina Vokhminsteva at Aburas Dental Center Dubai
Dr. Ekaterina Vokhminsteva
GP Dentist
Dr. Ekaterina Vokhminsteva at Aburas Dental Center Dubai
Dr. Lana Al Lahham
GP Dentist

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General Q&A

The number of wisdom teeth that need to be removed varies from person to person. While some individuals may have all four wisdom teeth, others may have fewer or even none. A thorough examination, often including dental X-rays, will help determine the number of wisdom teeth present and whether they need to be extracted.

The type of anesthesia administered during wisdom tooth extraction typically depends on the complexity of the procedure and your comfort level. Your dentist or oral surgeon may discuss options such as local anesthesia, sedation anesthesia (IV sedation), or general anesthesia. The choice will be made based on factors like your medical history, the number of teeth being removed, and your anxiety level.

The complexity of wisdom tooth extraction depends on factors such as the tooth's position, alignment, and whether it's impacted (partially or fully submerged in the gum). Your dentist or oral surgeon will assess these factors during your consultation to provide an estimate of the procedure's complexity. Some extractions may be straightforward, while others may require more advanced surgical techniques.

Following wisdom tooth extraction, your dentist may recommend additional dental treatments based on your oral health needs. These may include orthodontic treatment to address any changes in tooth alignment, dental implants or bridges to fill gaps left by extracted teeth, or preventive measures to maintain oral hygiene and prevent future dental issues. Your dentist will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific requirements.

Jumeirah Branch

Dr. Aburas Dental Center

Villa 833/A, Al Wasl Road Dubai, UAE
+971 4 395 2131
Sat - Thu 09:00 am - 8:00 pm
Fri - 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

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